Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Official Sponsors

It's easy to watch the Olympics and not think about all of the work that goes on beforehand to ensure everything runs smoothly. The athletes endure months, even years, of training, the venue needs to be set up, and the sponsors must be orchestrated to ensure money is coming in from somewhere.

Sponsors are one of the most important aspects of the Olympics Games. As they state on their website, "Revenue generated by commercial partnerships accounts for more than 40% of Olympic revenues and partners provide vital technical services and product support to the whole of the Olympic Family" (Olympic.Org). Clearly sponsors are on the key components to ensuring the Games run smoothly and efficiently. 

Some of the more famous sponsors that they have worked with in the past are: 

Coca Cola: One of the oldest and most successful relationships they have maintained. This spsonroship serves to be successful to both sides, as Coke has had some famous campaigns because of the Games, and the Games are proud to be sponsored by them. 

In addition, they have had a long standing sponsorship with McDonald's, Visa, and Samsung. What sponsors do you think of when you hear Olympics? Let us know below!


  1. I agree that olympic sponsorship is a great platform to market brands because of the billions of viewers that tune in. When I hear the olympics I immediately think of Nissan, as they were the biggest sponsor of the Olympics in Rio this past year. They manufactured thousands of cars to be used for the olympics. It is interesting to think about how much support these business' provide the Olympics with. Sponsorship is a great way to capitalize on the Olympics and I think that this market should only be expanding as the years progress.

  2. I also agree that the olympics is a huge opportunity to market and I think that it's clearly a money contest, seeing who will fork over the most dough to have their name or logo displayed on one of the largest global stages. Especially as technology and social media continue to dominate our lives, these marketing opportunities continue to grow and competition for those 'top spots' only gets more aggressive. Whether for better or worse, I believe Coca-Cola will forever be one of the top sponsors of the Olympics. I know that Procter and Gamble (P&G) is also a huge brand with many different products that was amongst the big time sponsors of the 2016 Rio Olympics.

  3. When I think of the Olympics, Coca-Cola is the first brand that comes to mind! They clearly have been doing a good job at marketing their brand and products, because as someone who only watches the olympics for a short period of time every few years that it's on, I still manage to remember Coca-Cola as one of their largest sponsors. It seems as though this partnership has been extremely successful for both sides!
